As the children grow, I want to make sure that we have lots of opportunities to spend quality family time together. Sundays are our family day. We always plan an activity – a walk or visit to one of our favourite National Trust Sites, like Croome. I am also very keen that we eat meals together as a family. This is not always possible during the week, due to work and nursery schedules, but on the weekends we have a few special meals, like a family Sunday breakfast. Pomegreat asked us to add their delicious pomegranate juice to our Sunday breakfast routine and they kindly sent us some sample juice to try.
In addition, Pomegreat are offering families the chance to spend some quality time together on a Go Ape treetop adventure – see the Rafflecopter at the end of this post to be in with a chance of winning the experience for your family.
Add Pomegreat to one of your family meals
Our family breakfast this Sunday consisted of fruit, daddy’s pancakes and Pomegreat juice. We are very lucky that daddy is a great chef and makes the best pancakes.
I must admit, I am a little wary of giving the children too much fruit juice. Although it is packed with goodness, juice also tends to be quite high in sugar. This means they generally only have it once or twice a week, so it fits in perfectly with our Sunday breakfasts. I had never tried Pomegranate juice before and I was very pleasantly surprised. It was crisp and tasty without being too sharp or too sweet. The children also enjoyed a cup each over breakfast. I think Pomegreat would be a great addition to our weekend meals.
Go Ape
Go Ape have outdoor adventure centres all over the country which run Tree Top Adventures, Forest Segways, Tree Top Junior Adventures and Zip Trekking Adventures. They are the UK’s number one forest adventure and can be found in 31 of the UK’s most breathtaking locations.
Days out at Go Ape are about living life more adventurously, having fun, spending time with family and friends. Biggest and Littlest are just a bit too small to take part in a Go Ape adventure yet – but I hope it is something we might be able to do in the future.
Win a £100 Go Ape Voucher with Pomegreat
If you want the chance of winning an exhilarating outdoor adventure with your family, there are several ways to enter. Firstly, we are offering a £100 voucher for one reader – simply enter via the Rafflecopter below. In addition, each carton of Pomegreat comes with another chance to win. Simply pick up some Pomegreat and follow the instructions on packs to be in with another chance of winning. Please note, terms and conditions apply. Please see the terms and conditions on the Rafflecopter, and on packs, for more details.
Good luck!
Please note, this was a collaborative post. Pomegreat kindly sent us some juice to try as part of our family breakfast.
I’ve started being healthy and eating porridge with banana for breakfast and the puppy loved the fruit too 😉
Crumpets and Muesli in our house x
Love your videos! You’re doing a great.
Ideal family breakfast would be cereal and crossaints!
A toasted muffin topped with a poached egg and homemade porridge!
A full english breakfast
Porridge and toast with a small glass of orange juice
A bowl of porridge followed by some toast and jam for my son and croissant and jam for me then a yogurt x
porridge for me
Boiled egg and toast with a mug of tea
We’re big porridge fans and my teenager loves those terribly lazy instant porridge sachets but that’s fine with me if it encourages a bit of independence.
Smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, hot buttered toast, fresh orange juice and real coffee 🙂
marmite on toast and strong coffee
i love porridge with blueberries and honey, never get bored of it!
I love a big bowl of fruit, with natural yogurt and a glass of juice. The kids would probably be eating cereal
We love a fry up as a family treat 🙂
Toast and orange juice for us
a big full english fry pls nom nom x
We like porridge. My Mum likes pomegranate as a fruit, so may treat her to some Pomegreat to try.
Has to be wheetabix with honey and fruit
We love bacon and egg sandwiches in this house!
A full English followed by some fruit. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Crumpets and fresh orange juice
Porridge is a winner for this family
We love a weekend Pancake Breakfast! x
Waffles and fruit makes everyone smile on a Sunday morning. I’ve not tried Pomegreat but will give it a go for sure.
waffles and croissants
A full fry up, bacon, sausages, beans… my mouth is already watering!
Waffles for everyone, and then bowls of toppings to choose from. I like banana, nutella and maple syrup.
My family love pancakes with choice of toppings or a bacon sandwich 🙂
One that I don’t cook!
poached eggs on toast
a full english minus the washing up xxx fab giveaway thankyou xx
We love fruit, yogurt and croissants with jam or nutella if you ask my son lol
Continental x
Crispy bacon panini sandwich with mayo
We like to have Porridge with a piece of fruit.
full english thankyou
Pancakes with strawberries and Nutella
A full English breakfast
Tea and toast 🙂
a full English, but by the time we all get up and dressed its normally brunch.
it doesn’t really matter what we eat as long as everyone is there
For me I’m happy with muesli or porridge, my other half loves a full English and I’m happy if I can get anything into my little fella…usually raspberry yoghurt, toast or/and sliced fruit 😉
A full english breakfast cooked by someone other than me
fresh fruit salad, croissants and yogurt
I love dippy eggs and soldiers 🙂
i love scrambled eggs on toast with salmon
My ideal family breakfast is a giant fry up! With all the trimmings. It doesn’t happen often so thats why its ideal!
French toast with crispy bacon.
Full English.
it’s very rare we have a full english but they are so yummy when we do
We love pancakes, with fruit and maple syrup as a treat!
Pancakes and juice
poached eggs advacado and smoked salmon
Porridge, fruit and yogurt!
I love a proper fry up on a Sunday morning.
wholemeal toast with home made blackcurrant jam
Porridge with fresh fruit we love that as I family in the morning
Full English
My son won’t eat anything apart from Weetabix for breakfast at the mo
a good old fashion full breakfast – preferably at a cafe!
My favourite is a cooked breakfast with bacon, egg, mushrooms & sausage
Love blueberry pancakes with maple syrup x
Our favourite breakfast has to be pancakes! With golden syrup, lemon and nutella! I have 4 kiddywinkles so always make the pancakes in advance ans then warm them up in the oven ( think they go soggy in the microwave)!
A full English with smoothies
Love eggs and toast
We love fry ups in our house! 🙂
My ideal family brekkie is Granary toast with scrambled eggs, fruit and tea
a lovely full english breakfast 😀
Has to be fresh apple juice, pancakes with syrup and waffles
A full English as a special treat or poached eggs on toast
I love scrambled egg, avacado and toast
we usually have toast, yogurt or cereal for breakfast
Porridge with berries
Fresh cheese and ham with lots of croissants and fresh butter!
Croissants with Jam & Butter
Eggy soldiers
Anything where we all sit down and relax together – usually toast and cereal
I do love a full English breakfast with black pudding. Not overly healthy but lovely.
poached egg and toast
Scrambled Egg!
full english for me
boiled eggs and toast
Banana on toast, we all love it.
Cereal and fruit for us – raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are the favourite!
Lovely dippy egg
Soft Boiled Eggs! with Toasted Soldiers.
We love pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, with some fruit on the side!
Cereal and fruit
A full English
Full English breakfast! Grilled not fried! X
Have to a full English breakfast
Scrambled eggs with smokey bacon
fresh fruit followed by granary toast
We love rolls on bacon with sautéed onions and mushrooms!
I think we would all eat pancakes every day if we had the time!
i just love porridge with fresh fruit mixed in, eat it nearly every day
My ideal family breakfast is porridge with fresh fruit, followed by poached egg on toast.
Brioche and pastries, its a real treat.
american pancakes with maple syrup or with fresh fruit and yogurt
My ideal family breakfast is an included breakfast in a hotel somewhere where the kids can go up to the buffet and choose wha they want. They feel very grown up.
Fresh fruit and Yoghurt
I normally have a handful of nuts fruit and taste but I love pancakes with fruit and yogurt yum
A full english breakfast Xx
Croissants followed by Greek Yogurt and Honey is my favourite family breakfast but mostly I just eat fresh fruit in the morning.
Granola, yoghurt and fresh fruit
Summer fruits with yogurt and honey
we love American style pancakes with maple syrup
Pancakes with fresh fruit a plenty!
Full English
A potato cake with an egg on top, most probably not really healthy
We all love porridge
Smoked salmon scrambled eggs on toasted cheese bread. Yummy!
Pancakes 🙂
porridge. I just love it
eggy soldiers
Anything that somebody else makes! 🙂 I love poached eggs and fresh croissants.
A full english breakfast for the adults and pancakes for the kids
Mushrooms on brioche toast – preferably made by someone else!
I love eggs benedict!
Full English breakfast 🍳😋
long slow leisurely breakfast with lots of fresh fruit and fresh hot pastries! bliss!
Boiled egg and soldiers
Scrambled tofu and mushroom on crumpets. With cranberry juice.
egg on toast, followed by fruit
Watermelon and then crumpets
Has to be american syle pancakes and bacon
Home made muffins and orange juice sat together and having a nice chat.
Eggs Benedict fresh orange juice and a mug of tea.
A fry up with the full works!
Cereal with fresh fruits
Mussli and fruit.
Full English, a very rare treat
We love marmite on toast
My ideal family breakfast is a full English at the weekend.
Poached egg on toast
Ohhhhhh poached egg on toast with lots of brown sauce!!
Ideal family breakfast is porridge. My children have always loved it and it sets up all up for the challenges ahead like GoApe xx
Porridge is my ideal family breakfast. It’s cheap and nourishing.
One where we actually eat together and not ram things in our mouths as we go out the door!!
Dippy egg
Poached egg on toast for me
A full english or scramble egg on toast
Fruit bowl with museli
A quiet one but with three girls arguing it’s not happened for the past 14 years lol. I just grab whatever cereal we have to be honest and that’s if and when I get chance to.
Our ideal family breakfast is sitting together around our kitchen table, enjoying a breakfast of freshly made pancakes with a variety of toppings, danish pastries and lots of orange juice!
All our family love our cereal so tend to have several different varieties handy to keep both old and young happy and chopped up fruit (fresh and dried) always goes down a treat.
Where everyone eats exactly what they love. I love eggs and smoked salmon, kids would love a sausage sandwich
big scottish fry up
A fry up with absolutely everything!
Poached egg and avocado on toast is our new favourite breakfast
Cereal with yogurt and honey
Pancakez with an exotic fruit salad
A full English breakfast!
Anything as long as we are all together, that’s the most important thing.
pancakes with fruit toppings are our favourites
A traditional full English would be lovely to sit down and eat together x
This would be fab! A great gift!