Lost My Name make beautiful personalised books for children. Their first book, The Little Girl or Boy who Lost Their Name, cleverly used the letters of children’s names and was a must-have gift for children last year. Now, they have released a lavishly personalised story book which uses all the things your child loves to create a magical adventure just for them – Kingdom of You. When Lost My Name invited us to review the Kingdom of You personalised adventure, I knew both children would be fascinated by a book about them. And so we eagerly chose our personalised requirements and waited for the books to arrive…
Kingdom of You
Kingdom of You is a beautifully personalised story, bursting with your child’s favourite things. You simply enter information about them and then choose what to fill their kingdom with – whether they love dinosaurs or princesses.
The books are beautiful to look at and exquisitely illustrated. As soon as the children saw them, I knew they were a hit. When they realised that the main characters looked like them, and were called King E and Queen H, they were wide-eyed with wonder. I also loved all the tiny personalised details on each page. Every time we go back to look at the pictures, we find something new.
My son has autism and his take on his book was typically unique-
“Mummy, that is not the real me, because I am the real me. But that boy is just like me, and is pretending to be King E…. And he has a Kingdom filled with all the things I love!”
Biggest saw the story book as more like a play – with an actor playing him. He often struggles with imaginary play and the concept of saying things are something they are not. However, I do not think his experience of the book was diminished even slightly by this. He knows it off by heart already and, as well as asking me to read it to him, frequently looks through the pages himself.
Littlest understands a little less but was still thrilled to see Queen H ruling over a whole kingdom of princesses (I suspect she genuinely harbours an ambition for world domination). She has insisted on being called Queen H around the house since her book arrived.
A perfect sibling moment
I have probably read Biggest his book maybe twenty times in the six or seven days since the book arrived. He knows his story inside out. A few days ago, I was in the kitchen making lunch, when I overheard Biggest reciting the words in Littlest’s Kingdom of You book. When I came into the living room I saw Biggest, with Littlest’s book spread out in front of him, with his sister sitting by his side. He was telling her story, from start to finish. (Biggest cannot read that well yet. He was just remembering the parts from his story and changing them to match hers).
Littlest was sitting in rapt attention, hanging on his every word. Once he had finished, she gave him a round of applause.
It actually almost brought a tear to my eye. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera or phone nearby and so I missed capturing the moment – but it was truly special.
Kingdom of You – The Verdict
Something as simple as a few personalised touches can make a book truly magical for a child. Kingdom of You delighted my four-year-old and my two-year old alike. Kingdom of You books are excellent quality and the illustrations are beautifully executed.
The personalisation options are limited at the moment but this was the only area for improvement I could find. There are only a few options to choose from when deciding what your character looks like. (There is no option for red-headed Kings and Queens for example). In addition, there are only four different options for each section. It would be lovely to see a wider range of interests available. However, I do appreciate that the more personalised the book becomes, the more it will cost to produce, and so a balance has to be struck. The children did not mind that there were only a few options because they included things that they both genuinely love. They were simply delighted by a book that was just about them.
Overall, Kingdom of You would make an absolutely delightful gift for the tiny book worms in your household. I know my two will be asking me to read theirs for months to come.
Please note, this is a collaborative post. Lost My Name kindly sent us the Kingdom of You books for the purpose of this review.