Spectrum and SEND Sunday #57

Spectrum and SEND Sunday #57

This week, firstly, I have to apologise. I have a new puppy and a boy who has just started school and both are quite challenging. The puppy has me up three or four times a night and Biggest needs a great deal lot of support with the challenges school is bringing. I have been awful with commenting on previous the previous linky and I am a week late with this one. We are just about settling into a routine of sorts and so I am hoping things will be better from this weekend.

School is a bittersweet mixture of successes and anxiety and I am swapping between optimism and despair fairly regularly. Both of my posts this week relate to school – ‘The Struggles Ahead’ and ‘What I want the other parents to know as my autistic son starts school.’

Biggest in his uniform

Many thanks to my co-host, Ann at Rainbows are too beautiful, for hosting the last linky. Remember, the linky runs once a fortnight, alternating hosting. We really want to make sure that everyone with a post gets to link up and so we will keep the it open for thirteen days – Sunday until the Saturday nearly two weeks later. Hopefully, this should mean that everyone can link up, even though the linky is every two weeks.

Can we please remind linkers to add the badge and to make sure that they comment on others’ posts.

Spectrum and SEND Sunday 57 Linky

Please do read the rules below and make sure you share the linky love by commenting on others’ posts. Remember, the linky is open to any autism, SEND, mental health or disability posts. Thank you – we look forward to reading your posts.

Linky Rules:

  • The linky will run from 7am Sunday to 7am the Saturday 13 days afterwards, allowing everyone to link up and to get a wide range of posts now the linky is fortnightly.
  • Please be kind and add our linky badge to the bottom of your post/s (just copy and paste the code below)
  • Up to two posts per person, old or new
  • Please comment on one post from each host – you can choose which as we usually add two each. (or share during the summer)
  • Then comment on the post before yours and more if you can! (You can just share during the summer)
  • Please make sure comments are thoughtful and valuable – this subject is incredibly emotive and we all handle our daily struggle differently so kind and supportive messages only please.
  • If you feel someone has been commenting negatively please let us know, and we will get in touch with them on your behalf.
  • The host for that week will comment on every post. If the linky is successful we may invite guest hosts to give us a hand
  • If you follow us, tag us, and add the hashtag #spectrumsunday to your tweets, we will retweet for you!
  • Each week we will pick a post or two that has really touched us, and we will be share on our Facebook pages and link on our blogs. You can find our pages here: Someone’s Mum Facebook and Rainbows are too beautiful Facebook

You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram here:

Lastly, here is the linky badge to add to your posts.

Spectrum Sunday
<div align="center"><a href="https://someonesmum.co.uk" rel="nofollow" title="Spectrum Sunday"><img src="https://someonesmum.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/SpectrumSunday120.png" alt="Spectrum Sunday" style="border: none;" /></a></div>

I am really looking forward to reading your posts. I hope we get lots of link-ups below!

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