Colourful Clothes and Swedish Style with me&i

Littlest wearing cat print top from Me&I

I love bright and colourful children’s clothes. There was a time when I swore I wouldn’t gender-stereotype at all. I was sure that Littlest would wear all her brother’s hand-me-downs and shun pink and frills. I haven’t stuck to that as religiously as I might have (turns out that we both quite like pink and frills), but my eyes are always drawn to colourful prints for both children – bright clothes that project the joy and wonder of childhood. When I first saw the gorgeous range of children’s clothing from me&i, I fell in love.

This much-loved brand offers unique Swedish design for babies, children and women and their clothing is practical, stylish, and sustainably produced. It was started in 2004 by two Mumpreneurs, Helene Nyrell and Susan Engvall. They were full of passion and ideas and so they decided to put their own Swedish brand on the map.

Biggest in his Me & I hoodie

We received several items to review for both children. Biggest has lived in his zip-up ant print top since we received it. As the weather gets colder, it is extremely handy for adding another layer, especially as his sensory issues mean that he will not tolerate a larger winter coat. I also love the pattern and colour.

Littlest, too, was thrilled with the items she received from me&i. She adores bright colours and clothes with animals on are her favourite at the moment. Each time I dress her in a me&i outfit, she happily chats and points, telling me which animals and colours she is wearing.

Littlest in her Me&I dress

Another M&I Dress

Not only are many of the items entirely unisex, they are also made out of a great fabric. It is durable and not too thin but stretchy and comfortable too, making them ideal for growing and active children.

me&i – a new way to buy clothes

You can purchase me&i goods through their website but there are two great aspects to me&i Clothes that set them apart from similar brands.

The first is that you can run your very own me&i party, bursting with colourful garments for both you and your children. It also gives you the ability to have a fun time with your friends and shop from your home. Simply invite friends – a small group of 3-4, or more if you have the room – and book a sales consultant. There’s no obligation to buy, but the more you purchase the more you and your friends benefit. Find out more about me&i parties here.

Both children in me&i tops

Secondly, you can apply to become a sales consultant.

For a start-up cost of £100 (plus P+P), you can be part of the me&i entrepreneurial team, with 20 per cent commission from your very first sale (the chance to earn up to 25%), and a rented presentation collection package worth almost £3000.

You can take control of your income and workload by hosting small parties with your friends, or you can sell in your local area or create online hosting opportunities. There is no minimum order so you can do what works for you and your family.

In addition, me&i support their new consultants fully with training. This really could be a great opportunity for those wanting the flexibility to work when they want to.

For more details on how to apply you can contact:

Biggest in his me&i dinosaur top

Verdict – me&i

me&i clothes are stylish but slightly quirky and unusual. We have had many compliments from people when the children have been wearing their new clothes. We have also washed them several times now, and they look good as new. I think the unique style of the garments sets them apart from other brands on the market. We will definitely be returning to purchase items ourselves in the future. If you haven’t had a look at me&i clothes before, check them out!

Biggest and Littlest in their me&i gear

*Please note, we were gifted a selection of me&i clothes for the purposes of this review. However, all opinions, images and words are my own and we only share products that we really love*

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2 thoughts on “Colourful Clothes and Swedish Style with me&i

  1. A variety of stylish and colourful clothes in this collection, I’m really pleased so see colour coming into children’s wardrobes as it felt like there was a lot of grey going on for a long time.

  2. These are beautiful! Great to know they’re so practical, too, and that sounds like a really good opportunity, thanks for providing the details of it.

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