*Please note this is a collaboration with Johnson’s. We have been avoiding cutting Littlest’s hair for some time. It is a running joke in the family that just moments after it has been washed, brushed, and carefully made neat and tidy, it is “Poof! All over the place!” again. Like most three-year olds, Littlest does not sit still for very long. She is a ball of energy and her slightly wild mop of curls suits her just perfectly. Unfortunately, trying to tame that mane (or at least keep it clean and remove most of the grass and food) can be a source of quite a lot of tension. Shampoo or water in the eyes and trying to tease out tangles have caused a lot of tears in the past. When we finally decided that Littlest needed her first hair cut, she was very against it. The idea of someone else dealing with her tangles was met with quite a pout.
However, Johnson’s Shiny Drops range have eased a lot of our hair trouble and tensions and when I promised we could take Littlest’s ‘magic spray’ (Johnson’s Shiny Drops Conditioner Spray) with us to the hairdressers, she finally agreed. You can find out a bit more about how the first hair cut went, and some of our hair care tips and tricks, below.
Taming the Threenager Mane
Five or six days out of seven, bath time is a delight. Littlest loves the water and she loves playing with our set of brightly coloured rubber ducks. However, on the nights we have to wash her hair, things can very quickly go down hill. Since we started using the Shiny Drops range, we have managed to make sure hair washing night is calm – most of the time! Instead of using separate shampoo and conditioner, we use the shampoo and then the conditioner spray once H is out of the bath.
This means that we only have to lather and rinse once. The spray is wonderful for making hair shiny and easy to make tangle free. Also, if there are some really nasty tangles at any other time, I can add a bit more of the spray to make sure they come loose without any tears.
Although Biggest does not have as many tangles, we also use the spray on his hair too. It makes his hair shiny, smell lovely and easy to style. We can get some of those tufts to lie flat for a while!
How Hair Develops
While at our Johnson’s Ambassador meeting last month, we learned a great deal about hair and how a baby’s hair grows and develops as it gets older. Did you know that a child’s hair does not fully mature until they are twelve? Hair starts forming when the foetus is 8 weeks old and by 18 weeks, the scalp hair pattern is set. After birth, density of hair follicles on scalp progressively decreases, while thickness of individual hairs increases. By the time puberty is reached, hair can grow seven times longer and five times thicker than baby hair. Of course this does vary a little between person and hair type, but it is no surprise that children’s hair benefits from different products to those which we use on adult hair.
Shampoo can also be tough for little ones because their tearing is less robust. This means there is great potential for exposure to unintended substances – Babies blink less often and their eyes are open for a longer time. JOHNSON’S® NO MORE TEARS® formulations were developed to make sure that babies’ eyes stay healthy and that bath times can be a time for fun and bonding – and they have been making sure that is the case for decades. The Johnson’s range of hair care products has certainly made Littlest much more happy on hair wash night.
During the Ambassador Academy we also had a lot of fun trying out some new hairstyles:
It did not go so well at the meeting (I did not win the hairstyle competition!) However, Littlest was quite happy with my new skills after she finally agreed to let me try them on her.
First Hair Cut
I started asking Littlest if she would like to have her first hair cut in the spring. At first, she was extremely reluctant. In fact, she refused point-blank. She told me that it would hurt and that she did not want anyone else to brush her tangles. Eventually, with the promise of pink hair chalk as special treat afterwards, and bringing along our Shiny Drops spray, she agreed. Luckily, we had a brilliant lady who put Littlest right at ease. She was smiling in the styling chair in no time –
I was expecting some tears but I have to say, Littlest was an angel and loved every minute. She was really pleased with the final result. As her reward she had pink hair chalk streaks in her hair to go to nursery the next day. And Johnson’s was on hand to wash out the pink with no fuss afterwards. I think you will agree, Littlest’s new hair cut looks very snazzy – a little shorter and lighter for the summer months but keeping all of her wild charm –
I think that Littlest’s first hair cut was a huge success. Which strategies have you developed to make sure that your family hair care routine is stress free?
Please note, this is a paid collaboration with Johnson & Johnson. For more information please see our Disclosure Policy.
Awww her new hair cut looks adorable. I really need to get Amelie’s cut. We have tears with hair brushing in our house as their hair is so curly but the Johnsons tangle conditioner and shampoo really helps! X
We love the spray so much. Makes general brushing and styling so much easier. Good luck with the cut 🙂
Considering I have two girls I could really do with being taught some decent hairstyles for them. That plait looks amazing. The spray sounds great too